Worker's Comp (2.1)

Cards (19)

  • A lot of injuries are occurring at work, with a majority being musculoskeletal
  • Lots of money invested into this worker's compensation scheme
  • All businesses/companies must have a worker's compensation insurance
  • Specialised insurers

    Employers in specific industries
  • Self-insurers
    Usually larger organisations that employ large numbers of people
  • Treasury Managed Funds

    Applies to government agencies, but managed by iCare
  • Rehab providers are employed by the employer through insurer, to help injured workers to return to work - hence AEPs require approval from the insurer for necessary treatment
  • Delivering treatment as an AEP
    1. Provide assessments and exercise treatments, following referral from an approved source accredited from SIRA
    2. First contact insurer before first appointment to confirm claim has been accepted, eligible for payment, and insurer agrees treatment is reasonably necessary
    3. Services can include individual exercise interventions, group exercise sessions, education sessions, telehealth
  • To be eligible as an AEP
    • AEP with ESSA
    • Must complete SIRA AHP Training Program
    • Complete SIRA AHP Application form
  • Other services AEPs may include
    1. Setting treatment expectations with the worker
    2. Conducting a detailed assessment to inform diagnosis
    3. Provide relevant info to all parties to support worker's RTW
    4. Obtain relevant into from insurers to assist with goal setting
    5. Education about the health benefits of work
  • Invoicing
    1. Must contain "TAX INVOICE" title
    2. Worker's first and last name + claim number
    3. ABN and payee details
    4. Your name (as AEP) and SIRA provider number
    5. SIRA worker's compensation payment classification code and service costs
    6. Date of invoice (must be on the day or after last date of service listed on the invoice
  • GST applies + travel costs require pre-approval from insurer
  • Case Manager
    • Don't need to be accredited, but need to work directly with insurer - primary role is to make approval process happen = review or decline worker's claims
    • Able to plan and prioritise effectively, organise tasks and manage competing resources and demands
  • As a case manager, you will need to confirm

    1. Their claim has been accepted
    2. They are eligible for payment of medical and related expenses
    3. You agree treatment is reasonably necessary
  • Multiple cases will occur, hence long hours are expected to be part of the job
  • Workplace Rehabilitation Consultation (WRC)

    Combo of clinical and admin work - primary role is to coordinate the return-to-work process, including attending case conferences, checking in on worker and their employer, performing functional capacity assessment - can complete workplace assessments and/or pre-employment screenings to reduce no. of injuries at worksite
  • Rehab workers usually aim to ensure workers return to work at 80% return rate - i.e. 80% of workers return to the same role to ensure KPIs (usually how promotions are made + bonuses from how quickly workers are able to return to work)
  • To be eligible for WRC
    • AEP with ESSA
    • Completed coursework including workplace rehabilitation elements (i.e. this course - UNSW is approved with ESSA)
    • Request certificate + support letter from ESSA
  • Once eligible for WRC, you must be employed by a SIRA approved workplace rehabilitation provider