Cards (28)

  • The primary purpose of the digestive system is to breakdown food to facilitate the effective transport of nutrients to different parts of the body.
  • 4 Digestion process:
    1. Ingestion - intake of food to body;mouth
    2. Digestion
    -Mechanical and chemical digestion
    -breakdown of larger molecules into simpler, soluble substances
    3. Absorption
    -digestive materials are absorbed by cells
    4. Elimination
    -passaging of digestive material out of digestive tract
  • The digestive system is also called the "Alimentary canal" or "Gastrointestinal Tract"
  • Bolus(boli) - A ball of food, chewed food
    Chyme - semi-liquid mass of food
    - from stomach
  • Bolus and chyme
    food->mouth->esophagus->bolus->stomach->small intestine->chyme->large intestine->anus->feces
  • Mechanical vs Chemical Digestion
    -breaking down of food by - breakdown foods using
    physical means. enzymes.
    -grinding, chewing, mixing food - breakdown of complex food
    -stomach and mouth into soluble substances.
    - hydrochloric reactions
    - protein, starch and fat
  • Enzymes - protein molecules
    - found in saliva
  • Mouth- where digestion begins
    - both mechanical and chemical due to chewing and enzymes in saliva
    - where food is masticated or chewed/grind
    - starch turned into simple sugar
  • Pharynx - also known as the throat
    - lead to esophagus, thinly lined, hollow and a muscular tube
    - where chewed food or bolus is pushed through the pharynx or throat.
    - passage of food and air
  • Epiglottis - flap-shaped leaf
    - covers opening of larynx
  • Esophagus - came from the greek word that means, "to carry what is eaten."
    -muscular tube (25cm)
    -connection between mouth and stomach
    -food is lubricated with mucus and moved by peristalsis
    -no digestion occurs
    -where bolus food travels
  • peristalsis - the wave-like contraction of the muscles of the alimentary canal to push down food
  • Stomach - j-shaped
    - the principal organ
    -composed of strong layers
    peristaltic and churning action further breakdown foods
    - contains "Gastric juice"
    Gastric juice is composed of:
    hydrochloric acid
  • food stays in stomach for 3-6 hrs. Some food at 24hrs
  • Small intestine - longest part ( 7meters)
  • Sections of the small intestine
  • Duodenum - first section of the small intestine
    - receives partially digested foods
  • Jejunum - middle section of the small intestine
    - absorption takes place
  • Ilium - last section of the small intestine connected to large intestine.
    - vitamin 12 and bile salt is absorbed
  • After food is breakdown into simplest form, it will be absorbed by the body through the small intestine and eventually into the bloodstream this is called "assimilation"
  • large intestine - also known as "colon"
    - larger but shorter than small intestine
    (1.5 meters long)
    -absorb undigested foods-no enzymes produced but their is mucus for better flow of chyme
  • 5 sections of large intestine:
    1. cecum - 1st part
    2. ascending - pataas
    3. transverse colon - middle
    4. descending colon - pababa
    5. sigmoid colon - end
  • Rectum and Anus
    >storage of stool/feces
    >strong muscular walls expand that holds the feces until nerves signal the brain that you need to excrete it through your anus
  • Accessory Organs of Digestive System
    1.) Tongue -allows circulation of sounds
    - strongest muscle
    - helps chew food and pushes chewed food at the back of the mouth to enter the pharynx
  • Accessory Organs of Digestive System
    2.) Salivary Glands - produces saliva and other substances that helps with digestion
  • Accessory Organs of Digestive System
    3.) liver - right side, under diaphragm
    - largest organ
    - produces bile that help digest protein and fats
    - bile
    >stored in gallbladder
  • Accessory Organs of Digestive System
    4.) pancreas - between stomach and spine
    - produces pancreatic juice
    -releases insulin
    > help regulate blood sugar
  • Accessory Organs of Digestive System
    5.) appendix - located in the junction of the small and large intestine
    -a vestigial organ
    - has unknown purpose, but scientist believed that its purpose is to help the digestive tract restore good bacteria