-grinding, chewing, mixing food - breakdown of complex food
-stomach and mouth into soluble substances.
- hydrochloricreactions
- protein, starch and fat
Enzymes - protein molecules
- found in saliva
Mouth- where digestion begins
- both mechanical and chemical due to chewing and enzymes in saliva
- where food is masticated or chewed/grind
- starch turned into simple sugar
Pharynx - also known as the throat
- lead to esophagus, thinly lined, hollow and a muscular tube
- where chewed food or bolus is pushed through the pharynx or throat.
- passage of food and air
Epiglottis - flap-shaped leaf
- covers opening of larynx
Esophagus - came from the greek word that means, "tocarrywhatiseaten."
-muscular tube (25cm)
-connection between mouth and stomach
-food is lubricated with mucus and moved by peristalsis
-no digestion occurs
-where bolus food travels
peristalsis - the wave-like contraction of the muscles of the alimentary canal to push down food
Stomach - j-shaped
- the principal organ
-composed of stronglayers
peristaltic and churning action further breakdown foods
- contains "Gastric juice"
Gastric juice is composed of:
hydrochloric acid
food stays in stomach for 3-6 hrs. Some food at 24hrs
Small intestine - longest part ( 7meters)
Sections of the small intestine
Duodenum - first section of the small intestine
- receives partiallydigested foods
Jejunum - middle section of the small intestine
- absorption takes place
Ilium - last section of the small intestine connected to large intestine.
- vitamin 12 and bile salt is absorbed
After food is breakdown into simplest form, it will be absorbed by the body through the small intestine and eventually into the bloodstream this is called "assimilation"
large intestine - also known as "colon"
- larger but shorter than small intestine
(1.5 meters long)
-absorb undigested foods-no enzymes produced but their is mucus for better flow of chyme
5 sections of large intestine:
cecum - 1st part
ascending - pataas
transverse colon - middle
descending colon - pababa
sigmoid colon - end
Rectum and Anus
>storage of stool/feces
>strong muscular walls expand that holds the feces until nerves signal the brain that you need to excrete it through your anus
Accessory Organs of Digestive System
1.) Tongue -allows circulation of sounds
- strongest muscle
- helps chew food and pushes chewed food at the back of the mouth to enter the pharynx
Accessory Organs of Digestive System
2.) Salivary Glands - produces saliva and other substances that helps with digestion
Accessory Organs of Digestive System
3.) liver - right side, under diaphragm
- largest organ
- produces bile that help digest protein and fats
- bile
>stored in gallbladder
Accessory Organs of Digestive System
4.) pancreas - between stomach and spine
- produces pancreatic juice
-releases insulin
> help regulate blood sugar
Accessory Organs of Digestive System
5.) appendix - located in the junction of the small and large intestine
-a vestigial organ
- has unknown purpose, but scientist believed that its purpose is to help the digestive tract restore good bacteria