Access services through a chronic diseases management plan (EPC)
Independent of the delivery mode, the rebate amount is the same; independent, face-to-face, telehealth (although item codes may vary slightly)
Professionals Medicare rebates are available for T2DM when accessing services (when referred by a GP)

Diabetes educators
Accredited practicing dieticians
Patients access services
1. Initial assessment to determine eligibility
2. Participate in up to 8 group exercise intervention services per year
Initial Assessment
Comprehensive medical history
Identify individual relevant goals
Prepare client for group exercise class
Initial Assessment should be of at least 45 mins duration - 81110 item code
Once determined to be suitable, then client is able to participate in group classes - 81105 item code
Group classes
2-12 clients per session (with attendancerecorded)
Max. 8 classes with Medicare (min 60 min session with 1 allied health professional)
Group class content
Blood glucose monitoring
Food labels and recipe modification
Exercise strategies
Associated health care concerns
Strategies for change
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population are eligible for 5 additional allied health services per year under 81315 (and additional 5 EP sessions if undertaken a health assessment by GP and completion of referral form)
Main causes of death in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

Diseases with modifiable risk factors (particularly diabetes and coronary heart disease)
Largest contributor to the health gap is socioeconomic factors coupled with behavioural and biomedical risk factors = almost 50% total
By providing these services, we hope to impact this factor and barrier towards improved health
Mental Healthcare Plan
Made by a physician (psychologist) and GP, must use outcome measures such as KesslerPsychologicalDistress Scale, Sort FORM hEALTH SURVEY, OR the health of the Nation outcome scales
Rebates for 12 sessions with a psychologist
Max 5 sessions for allied health services (min. 20 mins 1:1 session per calendar year) - report to treating team after first and last session (min.)