Sanchez(2002) defined research as a discovery and exploration of the unknown involves an investigation of facts leading to the discovery of new ideas and new methods.
Titlepage is the cover page you see when you open the book.
Abstract refers to a brief summary of the research. It contains the conclusion, the findings, and a short dicsussion of a problem, method and design
Introduction - the main focus of the research, overview of the topic main points of information and important of the topic. This part must provide the purpose and the striucture of the research. It should be designed to attract readers attention.
Chapter1.Introductionchapter - It contains INTRODUCTION
Chapter2.Reviewofrelatedliteratureandstudies - This is a section in a research paper which the sources are taken from book, journals,magazines, novels, poetry, and many others.
Related readings - the major sources of related readings are laws and department directive such as circulars, orders, memoranda and other which is related to the present study.
Related Literature - It refers to the sources which are taken from books, journals, magazines, novels, poetry and many others.
Related Studies - The published and unpublished research studies are among the sources included in this section.
Chapter3.Research Methodology - This part discussed the techniques used by the researcher in drawing samples from the population.
Research Design - It is the framework within which research is conducted
Population - The totality of all individuals having specific characteristics that a researcher interested in.
Sampling Techniques - The process of selecting participants needed to answer the research question.
Research Locale -It is the place where the research is conducted
Chapted 3. Research Methodology - includes the following
Research Design
Research Locale
Research is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern or issue using Scientific Method
Research Paper - A piece of academic writing that provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based depth independent research.
Abstract - A short summary of your completed research.
Introduction - The next part after the title and abstract.
Research - is an organize and systematic way of finding answers to questions.
Systematic - There is a definitie set of procedures and steps which you follow.
Organized - In that there is a structure or method in going about doing research. It is a planned procedure, not a spontaneous one, it is a focused and limited to specific scope
FindingAnswers - Is the end of all research. Whether it is a answer to a hypothesis or even a simple questions, research is succesful when we find answers.
Questions - Are central to research, it there is no question then answer is no use.
ResearchProblem - Refers to a statement expressed clearly in an interrogative or question form
ResearchObjectives - Is a statement of purpose for which the inverstigation is to be conducted
Hypothesis - This is an education, intellegent guess. It can be a tentative explanation based on theory to predict a casual relationship between variables.
Theoretical Framework - is a symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts or laws, variables and their relations that explains and predicts how an observed phenomenon exists and operates.
Assumptions - is a basic principle that is being true, one the basis of logic or reason without proof or verification.
Significanceofthestudy - it refers to the contribution to impact of the study on a research field.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study - Scope refers to the range of the research project and the study limitations set in place to define the boundaries of the project and delimitation refers to the specific aspects of the research project that the study will focus on.
DefinitionofTerms - refers to the clarification and explanation of key concepts, terms and terminology used in the study.
Hypothesis - A research intellectual guess or wild guess.
Methodology - a systematic method to solve a research problem through data gathering using various techniques, providing an interpretation of date gathered.
Population - The antire group that you want to draw conclusions about
Sample - A smaller parts or subgroup of the population
Reasons for sampling:
Research Instrument and Techniques - there are measuring instruments which are used for gathering or collecting data.