
Cards (25)

  • glandular and fibrous tissue embedded within a fatty tissue matrix w/ blood vessels, lymph, and nerves
    composition of the breast
  • the breast is located in the superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissue) over the pectoralis major muscle. It extends from the sternum to midaxillary line and from the 2nd rib to the 6th rib
    location of the breast
  • breast bed
    2/3 pectoral fascia, 1/3 fascia covering the serratus anterior
  • modified apocrine gland
    sweat gland in the breast for milk production and secretion
  • Nipples, areola, retromammary space, axillary process, suspensory ligaments (of cooper) lobules of the mammary gland, lactiferous ducts, lactiferous sinus
    parts to the breast
  • nipple
    located at the prominence of the breast
  • nipple
    located at the level of the 4th intercostal space
  • areola
    circular pigmented area surrounding the nipple
  • retromammary space
    loose connective tissue plane bw the breast and pectoralis major fascia.
  • retromammary space
    allows movement of the breast on pectoral fascia
  • Lobules of mammary gland
    Glandular tissue opening at the nipple , consists of aggregations of alveoli containing milk producing cuboidal cells and myoepithelial cells
  • Lactiferous ducts
    Connect lobules to the tip of the nipple
  • Lactiferous sinus
    Dilated portion of the lactiferous ducts deep to the areola that accumulates milk in the lactating mother
  • Medial mammary branches
    Supply the breast, Arteries derived from the internal thoracic arteries which branch off of the subclavian artery
  • Lateral thoracic branches
    Arteries that supply the breast and are derived from the axillary artery
  • Median mammary branches and the lateral thoracic branches
    Arteries that supply the breast
  • Axillary vein and internal thoracic vein
    Veins which the breast vessels drain into
  • Subareolar lymphatic plexus, axillary lymph nodes, parasternal lymph nodes
    Components of the lymphatics in the breast
  • Subareolar lymphatic plexus
    Carries lymph drainage from nipple, areola, and lobules in the breast
  • Axillary lymph nodes
    Drain most of the lateral portion of the breast to the subclavian lymphatic trunk then to the right or left lymphatic ducts
  • Parasternal lymph node
    Located in the medial breast quad. Pass deeply to abdominal lymph nodes
  • Enlargement of axillary lymph nodes
    Condition that suggest the possibility of breast cancer and are important in early detection of breast cancer
  • Intercostal nerve T4-T6
    Anterior rami carrying sensory from skin of breast and sympathetic fibers to blood vessels in breast and smooth muscle in overlying skin and nipple
  • 4 quads : sup and inf lateral sup and inf medial
    Anatomical division of the breast
  • Description for tumor and cysts
    4 quad division is used for