
Cards (190)

  • Neophyte
    First-time politician
    1. day
    Election day
  • Retail command votes
    Captures a small amount or a limited number of votes
  • Free market votes
    Votes captured through media
  • Political apathy
    One's vote does not really count or no contribution to the reform of government
  • Political economy
    Influence of politics and economy on each other; what government should do in the economy
  • Political literacy
    Ability to think and speak intelligently about politics
  • Political process
    Set of procedures being followed to resolve problems and important issues affecting large number of people
  • Political socialization
    Process of acquiring knowledge about politics by being exposed to information from parents, educational institutions, mass media, politicians and the community
  • Power (political power) is a treacherous possession because of what it can do to those who win it
  • Politics is an unavoidable fact of human existence. Everyone is involved in some fashion. In some kind of political system - that which presents any persistent pattern of human relationships that involve, to a significant extent, control, influence, power or authority
  • Having once savored the vibrating spirit of political power, those who possess it will stop at nothing to be able to keep it forever, if possible, for power tends not to pacify but to whet the appetite for more
  • Power
    Ability or the right to do something, the ability to exercise authority over others
  • Authority
    Legitimate right to wield power
  • Power is broader concept than authority - is the ability/ potentials of a person to influence another person or a group to perform an act
  • Authority comes from different sources: tradition, charisma and legal definition
  • Bases of Social Power
    • Expert Power
    • Referent Power
    • Reward Power
    • Legitimate Power
    • Coercive Power
  • Expert Power
    Based on the perception that the leader possesses some special knowledge or expertise
  • Referent Power
    Based on the follower's liking, admiring, or identifying with the leader
  • Reward Power
    Based on the leader's capacity to mediate rewards for the follower
  • Legitimate Power
    Based on the follower's perception that the leader has the legitimate right or authority to exercise influence over him or her
  • Coercive Power
    Based on the follower's fear that non-compliance with the leader's wishes will lead to punishment
  • Politics refers to the operations of government, societal structures and procedures for decision-making, like settling of disputes, distributing goods and services, defending the group and socializing problems
  • Politics promotes the ability of political and governance leaders to say NO to: corruption, mediocrity, dishonesty, fraud, and all other unethical practices in the performance of public service and in the exercise of functions and responsibilities, be it public or private
  • Politics in a broad sense is the art and science of governance; the activities of a government, politician or a political party. It can also be the pursuit and exercise of political power necessary to make binding policy decisions for the community and to distribute patronage and other governmental benefits
  • Turncoatism
    1. Change of political party affiliation during an elective public officer's term of office. B) Change of political party affiliation by any party member within six (6) months immediately preceding or following an election
  • Political - Greek Word - polis. Polis - city-state (the only form of government known to the ancient Greeks). Polites - citizen. Politikos - Government Official
  • Politics
    The art and science of governance; the activities of a government, politician or a political party
  • Politics
    The pursuit and exercise of political power necessary to make binding policy decisions for the community and to distribute patronage and other governmental benefits
  • Harold Laswell: 'Politics – who gets what, when, and how'
  • Turncoatism
    • A) Change of political party affiliation during an elective public officer's term of office
    • B) Change of political party affiliation by any party member within six (6) months immediately preceding or following an election
  • Origin of Politics
    • PoliticalGreek Word – polis
    • Polis – city-state (the only form of government known to the ancient Greeks)
    • Polites – citizen
    • Politikos – Government Official
  • Purposes of Politics
    • Power
    • Influence
    • Rule
    • Authority
  • Politics exists at any time in any place, with somebody trying to Obtain and Exercise power and influence to attain given Objectives
    1. Men (XEN) Politics
    Includes factors and players that are less prominently mentioned, less openly named, less publicly involved but actively engaged in fixing and managing self-serving political decisions
  • Narco-politics
    The use of politics to influence or sponsor the illegal drug trade
  • Board-Room (BORO) Politics

    Involves decision making by business elites and professionals but with important public consequences
  • Bureaucratic (BUREAU) Politics

    Rule making and adjudication by bureaucrats, with inputs from clients and professionals
  • At present, there are more than 6,000 middle-level administrative positions in the bureaucracy that are open for political appointments
  • Political patronage
    A practice in which a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its supporters, friends (cronyism), and relatives (nepotism) as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the party