A system of government based on the rule of the people
Democracy comes from the Greek words demos (people) and kratos (to rule)
Abraham Lincoln: 'The rule of the people, by the people, and for the people'
People in modern democracy
Citizens who are members of a political and socio-cultural community called the nation-state
Forms of representative democracy
Trustee model
Delegate model
Mandate model
Resemblance model
Representative democracy
Recognizes the ability of the people to create and implement policies for themselves
Forms of direct democracy
Classical democracy
The system of government practiced in ancient Athens
Classical democracy
Criticized for the exclusion of women in political affairs and being built on slavery
Liberal democracy
Focuses on the promotion of individual freedoms
Liberal democracy is the type of democracy that Western countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, promote to the rest of the world
A political ideology that emphasizes respect for individual rights, freedom, and reason
A phenomenon called the tyranny of the majority must be addressed in liberal democracy by adopting a constitution that protects the rights of individuals
Social democracy
Aims to create enabling environments for real freedoms to be experienced
Social democrats believe that the enjoyment of one's rights will only be possible if the community experiences the same conditions
Radical democracy
Built on the idea of contestation, extending the idea by asserting that democracy entails subjecting everything that exists to contestation
Elements of democracy
Competition for power
Participation in civic and political life
Respect for individual rights
The rule of law
Multiparty system
Must be in place to ensure maximum participation in the electoral process
Consent of the governed
Principle that an official or a government only gains legitimacy through
Democracy recognizes the right of individuals to participate in the decision-making process
Decisions, aside from being adopted by the majority or through the consensus of the community, must also promote and respect the rights of individuals
Rule of law
A standard for decision making based on impartial laws, a guarantee from irrational or unjust actions of any government, group, or individual