lesson 1

Cards (24)

  • exterior parts of the brain
    a. frontal lobe
    b. temporal lobe
    c. occipital lobe
    d. parietal lobe
    e. motor cortex and somatosensory cortex
  • frontal lobe

    involved in planning and thinking
  • temporal lobe

    positioned at the lower part of the brain
  • occipital lobe
    process sensory information from the eyes.
  • parietal lobe
    spatial orientation, calculation, and certain types of recognition.
  • somatosensory cortex
    processes the signals of touch.
  • motor cortex
    controls your body movement.
    a. brain stem
    b. limbic system
  • brain stem
    resembles the entire brain of a reptile
  • interior parts of the brain stem
    1) Midbrain,
    (2) Pons, and
    (3) Medulla Oblongata
  • limbic system
    1)Thalamus, (2)Hypothalamus, (3)Hippocampus,
    - logic skills
    - daily activities
    - language and grammar
    - memory
    - analytical and detail
    - science
    - strategy
    - facts
    - words of songs
    - creativity
    - feelings
    - concentration
    - photo memory
    - visualization
    - imagination
    - decision making
    - multitasking
    - intuition
    - arts & rhythm
    - active listening skills
  • whole brain thinking
    - Ned Herrmann
    - divides the brain into four quadrants
    - Analytical, Practical, Relational, Experimental
  • Howard Gardner
    Theory of multiple intelligences
  • Visual-Spatial Intelligence
    good at visualizing things.
  • Linguistic - Verbal Intelligence
    able to use words well, both when writing and speaking.
  • Logical - mathematical Intelligence
    good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and logically analyzing problems.
  • bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
    good at body movement, performing actions, and physical control.
  • musical intelligence
    good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and sounds.
  • interpersonal intelligence
    good at understanding and interacting with other people.
  • intrapersonal intelligence
    good at being aware of their own emotional states, feelings, and motivations.
  • naturalistic intelligence
    in tune with nature and are often interested in nurturing, exploring the environment, and learning about other species.
  • existential intelligence
    ability to delve into deeper questions about life and existence.