Cards (48)

  • B - blood
    U - urine
    S - sputum
    C - Cerebrospinal fluid
    T - tissue impression
    B - biopsy / aspiration
    S - stool
  • Freshly - trypanosomes and microfilariae ( Wb at night & Bm at afternoon
  • Preserved - thick and thin smear (babesia - ticks & anopheles minimus flavirostris - plasmodium spp.)
  • Mosquitos associated with malaria
    • plasmodium falciparum
    • plasmodium ovale
    • plasmodium vivax
    • plasmodium malariae
    • plasmodium knowlesi (monkey)
  • Babesia & plasmodium targets RBCs
  • Buffy coat film/layer - WBC (leishmania)
  • QBC - quantitative buffy coat (plasmodium)
    uses acridine orange that stains the middle of QBC, all parts dyed orange are confirmed plasmodium
  • Urine - covered/seen in urinary sediments
  • Urine Parasitic ova: schistosoma haematobium
  • Urine Chyluria - high fat content in the urine, chylomicron - milky white appearance of urine
  • Urine STI PARASITE: Trichomonas vaginalis (jerky motion)
  • Sputum - Location and Migration, coughed out mucus not saliva
  • Sputum location
    • Pulmonary (lungs): paragonimus westermani
    • Bronchial mucus: entamoeba gingivalis
    • Lung biopsy: cryptosporidium parvum
    • oral contamination: trichomonas tenax
  • Sputum Migration
    • Enzymes - cysteine proteinase: entamoeba histolytica
    • Larval: HAS Small intestine: Hookworm, Ascaris, strongyloides
  • CSF - trophozoites: protozoan
    • Naegleria fowleri (PAM - primary amoebic meningoencephalitis)
    Severe infection, If associated with blood cell
    (eosinophilic meningitis & eosinophic pleocytis), may cause angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lungworm)
    humans can be infected through slugs by eating vegetable and fruits.
  • Tissue impression
    • lymp node / liver biopsy / bone marrow
    • Parasite: leishmania/ toxoplasma gondii
    uses giemsa/wright stain to ID parasite
  • Biopsy/Aspiration - 11 parts
  • biopsy
    Leishmania donovani (visceral leishmania)
    1. spleen
    2. liver
    3. bone marrow
  • biopsy
    4. cervical lymph nodes - aspiration enlarged posterior - trypanosomes spp.
  • biopsy
    5. Corneal scraping (trophozoites/cystic stage)
    Acanthamoeba spp. - in csf or eyes. (GAE: Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis)
  • biopsy
    6. brain biopsy (BANET)
    B - balamunthia
    A - acanthamoeba spp.
    N - naegleria fowleri
    E - entamoeba histolytica
    T - Toxoplasma (bradyziote/tachyziote)
    4 MOT
    • Ingestion
    • Inhalation
    • Transplacental
    • Blood transfusion
  • biopsy
    7. intestinal
    • Cryptosporidium parvum (merozoite) - Stage of infection
  • biopsy
    8. voluntary muscles
    • trichinella spiralis (muscle worm) Encysted larva (IS) Small intestine
  • biopsy
    9. Colonic ulcer
    • entamoeba histolytica
  • biopsy
    10. mucosa
    • rectal: schistosoma mansoni
    • urinary bladder: schistosma haematobium
  • biopsy
    11. skin - snipping or scrapping
    3M-OL ( microfilariae) seen in mucosa/submucosa
    • Mansonella pertans
    • mansonella streptocerca
    • mansonella ozzardi
    • onchocerca volvulus
    • loa loa
  • Stool/feces - waste, from undigested food
  • 2 major waste products: Urine and stool
  • Color (bile) and smell (bacteria)
  • 100-200g per defecation
  • GI bleeding - color of stool
    Fecal occult blood test - screening blood in stool
    GI obstruction - stool size and shape
  • Obstructive jaundice
    • bilirubin B1 - (pre or post hepatic condition)
    • B2 - urobilin (kidneys)
    • Stercobilin (intestinal)
  • Dysentery
    • Blood watery sample (bacterial infection; mucus/blood)
  • Ulcerative colitis
    • long term inflammation in the large instestine
    • High WBC count in stool
  • steatorrhea
    • more than 6g of fat in stool (malabsorption)
    • Parasite: strongyloides (nematode)
    • Giardia lambia (protozoan)
    • String test or entero test
  • Creatorrhea
    • presence of mucus fibers in stool, more than usual (maldigestion)
  • Parasitic infection/disease: Cestodes
    Remain: 8-10L digested F/f
    Adult: 100-200g
  • Composition of stool (WISH BIBU)
    W - waste residue
    I - intestinal secretion
    S - shedding
    H - h2O and electrolytes
    B - bile secretion
    I - inorganic substance
    B - bacteria
    U - undigested food
  • Stool Examination
    • 3 specimens for 10 days to confirm parasitic infection
    • 6 specimens for 14 days to confirm for amoebiasis (amoeba)
  • Amoeba
    • Cystic stage (formed stool)
    • Trophozoite stage (watery stool) - mobile & feeding stage