Cards (19)

  • simplicity
    value in truth free from useless complexities and any pretension
  • what are manifestation of lack of simplicity in life?

    extravagance, vanity, consumerism, materialism, and greed
  • extravagant person - spends more than what is necessary
  • vanity - undergo aesthetic surgery fitting themselves to the conventional standards of external beauty
  • how can one be simple and contented?
    -being thankful and appreciative of who he/she is
    -having right perspective over material goods, and believing in god as Father and Provider
  • What commandments of God direct us toward simplicity and contentment?
    -seventh commandment and tenth commandments call us to be simple and contented.
  • The seventh commandment - “You shall not steal,” (Exodus 20:15)
  • the tenth commandment - “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods,” (Exodus 20:17).
  • What other offenses are indirectly against life?

    smoking, inordinate drinking of liquors, and use of illegal drugs.
  • What is the Christian understanding of human work?
    -helps develop one’s attitudes, skills, and values
    -key to promote social justice
  • insatiableimpossible to satisfy
  • usury – lending with unreasonable interest
  • collateralpledge of a specific property to a lender
  • expulsion – moderation in or abstinence from of consumption of alcoholic liquor
  • chastity - acceptance of who we are as a man and woman understanding of ur being embodied spirits
  • carnal - related to the body or flesh
  • sexuality - refers to the whole person as man or woman
  • sexual complementary - completing of fulfilling each other opposite sex of what is lacking
  • chastity - means purity in our thoughts, words, and actions