is the kind of freedom practiced when choosing between similar goods
Gabriel Marcel
is a contemporary existentialist who believed that there are two kinds of freedom:
Vertical Freedom
is the kind of freedom that allows an individual to make choices based on the order of his or her values
In the act of hate or egoism, the person gives preference to lower values.
Max Scheler
defined values as a set of meanings an individual creates according to his or her will
In the act of hate or egoism, the person gives preference to lower values.
human persons are “ends in themselves.” This means that a person does not exist to be used by other people
Mere Means
This means that people use other people as instruments to accomplish or achieve something.
Kantian ethics
is the principle of treating humans as ends in themselves rather than means to an end is foundational.
Thomas Hobbes
According to him, freedom is the right of an individual to speak, think, and act without external restriction.
humanity’s state of nature is a state of war in which there is no lawful standard of what is ethical and unethical.
an existence where each man lives for himself. It is characterized by extreme competition and no one looks out for another.
John Locke
everyone in the state is free and equal but is required to protect one another’s rights to life, ownership, and autonomy
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
hi believed that mind is free, therefore freedom is a thought
Views most human desires and emotions as irrational. Humans need to control their passions and live with virtue, duty, and integrity to be in harmony with the universe.
A Greek word that means "tranquility" (defined as having peace or being in a calm state). For the Stoics, ataraxia can be achieved by living virtuously in accordance with nature.
How to Reach Happiness
1. To pursue virtue by doing what is morally right habitually
2. To live peacefully with nature including being contented with what one has
PeaceofMind and Peace in the Situation
Peace of mind is when you are in a state of calmness, not being frustrated with what is happening or the outcome of a different circumstance. It is possible to achieve peace of mind despite being in a chaotic or disturbing situation.
The belief that God is in everything.
The belief that everything is in agreement with each other because God is all-knowing, always present, most powerful, and all-good. Therefore, to live peacefully, one must obey God's commands.
God's commands guide how to live our lives, with the belief that following them will result in our reward in the afterlife with him. Some commands include love your neighbor, do not steal, do not kill, etc.
Does God Control our Actions?
God does not control our actions because he gave us free will. It is defined as the ability of a person to control his actions. A person's free will may have positive and negative effects.
The Positive and Negative Effects of Free Will
If an individual exercises his or her free will under God's command, as the basis of his moral standards, he or she will most likely experience peace, rewards, joy, inspiration, and excitement.
If the individual exercises his or her free will contrary to God's command, then he or she will most likely experience guilt, shame, frustration, and anxiety.
One of God's commandments is "do not lie." What if you need to pass your examination to make your parents happy, but you know in your heart that you can't because you do not have a complete understanding of the lesson, and the only way you can think of to pass the examination is to cheat? Will you do it?
If you choose to cheat, what do you think will be the consequence of your action? What would you feel after the examination?
It is believed that man exercises his free will according to the cause, whether internal or external. For example, you cheat because you are pressured to make your parents proud, even though you know it is wrong.
Can be translated to "happiness," which is the goal of an individual's life. It can be classified into two categories: natural happiness and supernatural happiness.
Natural Happiness
The result of achieving what you truly want. Some examples are being promoted, receiving the highest award, buying new clothes, having independence, learning new skills, etc.
Supernatural Happiness
The result of following God's teachings, which does not necessarily mean you get what you desire. You are only concerned with obeying God.
According to Aristotle, emotions are the fundamental portion of virtues that affect an individual's decision-making. If you are lonely and happen to see someone crying, will you comfort the person?