
Cards (65)

  • Application and mechanical bonding of a resin material to an acid-etched enamel surface sealing existing pits and fissures from the oral environmen
  • Prevents bacteria from colonizing in the pits and fissures and nutrients from reaching the bacteria already present.
  • are considered an effective caries-reducing agent when proper patient selection and application techniques are followed
  • Hyatt • Prophylactic odontotomy → noncarious fissures were prepared and restored with a shallow silver alloy
  • BodeckerFissure eradication → fissures were removed and smoothed but not restored

  • Development of topical and systemic fluorides
  • Buonocore • Introduced a method of adhering resin to an acid-etched enamel surface

  • • First clinical trial was reported by Cueto and Buonocore → used cyanoacrylate as the sealant material placed over an etched occlusal surface.

  • • Buonocore • Substituted and investigated a bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate (bisGMA) ultraviolet light-activated resin

  • has been found to be more selective in its caries reducing benefits on the smooth surfaces than on the pit and fissure surfaces.
    Systemic fluoride ingestion
  • The ingestion of systemic fluoride during the preeruptive development of a tooth contributes to the reduced caries susceptibility of its occlusal surface
  • A single application is an effective caries-reducing agent provided that it is meticulously applied.
    occlusal sealant
  • Recommended sequence of treatment: ◦
    Prophylaxis ◦ Sealant placementTopical fluoride application (flouridization)
  • Challenges: ◦
    TimeCost effectiveness
  • Cost of placement can be minimized by 

    ◦ Delegating treatment to auxiliary personnel where legally permitted - Selecting commercial products that have the highest proved success rates and are approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) - Applying sealants in conjunction with optimal fluoride therapy
  • Composed of hydroxyapatite crystals arranged in hexagonal prisms forming rods oriented at right angles to the surface
    normal enamel
  • enamel Surface is usually in a low- energy weakly reactive, hydrophobic state
  • becomes a high-energy, strongly reactive, hydrophilic surface
    Acid exposure
  • Etches the enamel surface, producing increased surface area and porosity → selective demineralization of the hexagonal prisms.
  • Preferential removal of the prism core
    (type I)
  • Preferential removal of the prism periphery
    (type II)
  • Random pattern of both types
    (type III)
  • ETCHING TIME • Conventional: 60-seconds
  • 20 second etching time produces comparable retention rates
  • Sealants placed on permanent teeth were initially reported to be higher than those for primary teeth
  • To achieve the greatest possible caries reduction, a comprehensive cariespreventive program must use sealants in conjunction with other caries- preventive methods
  • Patients for sealant placement must ◦ Be dependable on recall appointments ◦ Be aged 6 to 15 years ◦ Be motivated and proficient in caries control ◦ Have a low caries activity ◦ Receive systemic and topical fluorides ◦ Have eligible teeth → recently erupted (within 3 years), caries-free permanent teeth with steep cuspal inclines
  • Most important factor: Risk of carious development on a particular surface
    Patient oriented
  • A questionable tooth surface would be an ideal candidate for sealants
    Tooth oriented
  • do not seal:
    ◦ carious ◦ broad pits and fissures ◦ caries free for 4 yrs
  • seal: 

    many occlusal lesion ◦ few proximal lesion ◦ deep pits and fissure ◦ recently erupted
  • Newly erupted permanent first and second molars should receive priority over premolars and primary molars even in high-risk groups
  • retention of sealants is more on
    older patient ◦ permanent ◦ mandibular ◦ premolars ◦ occlusal
  • Quality of the etch and sealant coverage and polymerization are greatly influenced by the quality of the isolation
  • Carious process on the occlusal surface is initiated within the fissure and not on the cuspal inclines.
  • Etched enamel remineralizes completely within 48 hours because of the deposition of salivary calcium and phosphate salts
  • Occlusal sites that have lost sealant coverage are not more susceptible to future caries development because of the etching
  • Several commercial products are available whose opaque color is more visually detectable.
  • Not recommended to place sealant over a detectable carious lesion
  • the sealant's marginal integrity is maintained, the carious site may become inactive