Be a central force of the life story as you recount what happened in the past and what it means to you in the "now"
Use first person "I" POV
A good memoir invites readers to contemplate with the narrator the remembered events and their importance
Personal - It is a category of information or property belonging to a particular person only.
Personal Memoir - an author tackles a formative, personal experience from their life.
Portrait - a representation of a person.
Portrait Memoir - the subject is someone other than the author. The memoir is still through the eyes of the author, and they probably lay a big role in the narrative, but the real focus lies with someone else.
Political - this relates to the government of public affairs of a country.
Political Memoir - this memoir is usually written politicians. It can be personal memoir in form, but often with the larger goal of ingratiating themselves to readers to get their vote and support.
Public - this relates to things concerning the majority.
Public Memoir - this is a memoir of someone who is well-known.
Travel - this relates to moving from a location to another destination.
Travel Memoir - this refers to a memoir of someone who logs the details about their travels.
KNOW THE WHY - most important question to ask yourself when you're about to write the great memoir is, "Why will people care about this?"
CONSIDER BEGINNING, MIDDLE AND END - think about how the story would begin, how it will be in the middle, and how will it end.
DON'T GET WITH FACTS - you can inform the reader of the details of your story. Just be careful not to go too much on the detail because it might get boring.
Personal Memoir - this type of memoir tackles intimate details about an author's life.
Public Memoir - it is a type of memoir concerning someone who is well-known or famous.
Portrait Memoir - This type of memoir refers to the author writing about someone else's life instead of his own.