-September 1919-30,000 troops, no conscription, and no navy- Reparations agreed but never paid due to bankruptcy- Anschluss forbidden- Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, and Yugoslavia formed from their land
-June 1920-35,000 troops, no conscription,3 patrol boats-200 million gold crownsin reparations- Lost Fiume to Italy- Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania formed from their land
-November 1919-20,000 troops, no conscription,4 torpedo boats, no air force-£90 millionin reparations- Territory lost to Greece, Romania, and Yugoslavia
-August 1920-30,000 men,6 torpedo boats- No reparations- Smyrna and East Thrace given to Greece- Rhodes given to Italy- Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Kurdistan, and Armenia formed from their land
Describe the role of the Council within the League
- Met4 times a yearand for emergencies- It was made up of permanent and non permanent members- The permanent members were: Britain, Italy, France, and Japan-Each country had 1 vote- Votes were unanimous
What were the agencies within the League and what did they do?
- Mandates Commission exercised supervision over colonies of the defeated powers- Refugees Committee returned400,000 prisonersfrom Russia and Greece- Slavery Committee freed200,000slaves from British controlled Sierra Leone- Health Committee made a vaccine for the Typhus epidemic in Siberia and also helped to reduce the spread of Malaria- International Labour Organisation removed lead from white paint and attempted to introduce a48 hour working week
What were the successes of the League in the 1920s?
-Aaland islands (1921). Between Finland and Sweden and Finland got the land-Upper Silesia (1921). Between Germany and Poland, a plebiscite was held and the area was divided between them- Province ofMosul (1924). Between Turkey and Iraq. Iraq kept the territory and Turkey received a10% royalty paymenteach year on oil deposits-Greece and Bulgaria (1925). Greece was ordered to withdraw and pay Bulgaria£45,000 compensationand they agreed
What were the failures of the League in the 1920s?
-Vilna (1920). Between Poland and Lithuania. France didn't act against Poland as they saw it as a future ally-Corfu (1923). Between Italy and Greece. Mussolini persuaded the league to change its ruling- International disarmament failed
What other treaties were established in the 1920s?
- France made mutual assistance pacts with Poland and Czechoslovakia-The Locarno treaties (1925)provided guarantees for the frontiers of North East Europe-Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)70 countriesagreed to never go to war but there were no consequences if one did
- As an island Japan was heavily impacted by the Great Depression inOctober 1929- It was in an economic slump and thesilk exports were decreased by 75%
-September 1931Mukden incident. Japan staged an explosion on the Japanese owned railway in South Manchuria (False flag)- They used this as an excuse to invade- Japan was instructed to withdraw by the league but ignored it, and then left the league inMarch 1933
- Mussolini wanted to boost popularity following a period of economic recession and unemployment caused by the Great depression- Italy suffered ahumiliating defeat to Abyssinia in the 1800s
- Italy invaded inOctober 1935- The League imposed economic sanctions on Italy but didn't ban oil and coal exports- League also didn't close the Suez Canal-9 May 1939Mussolini formally annexed the whole of Abyssinia