The respiratorysystem consists of the nose, pharynx (FAIR inks), larynx (LAIR inks), trachea (TRAY kee ah), bronchi (BRAHN kye), and lungs.
is the process of inhaling oxygen into the lungs, and exhaling carbon dioxide. That process includes the ventilation of the lungs and the exchange of air in the lungs and blood within the capillaries of the alveoli of the
Internalrespiration is the metabolic process by which living cells use blood flowing through the capillaries, absorbing the oxygen (02 )they need and releasing the carbon dioxide (CO2)they create.
The external opening of the nose is the nostrils or anteriornares.
The dividing partition between the nostrils is the nasal septum, which forms two nasal cavities.
Each cavity is divided into
3 air passages: the superior,middle, and inferiorconchae (KON kuh).
The conchae passages lead to the passageway called the pharnyx. Here, the ear is connected to the sinuses, the ears through the eustachian tubes, and even the eyes through the nasolacrimal ducts
The palatine (palate) bones and maxilla (upper jaw bone) separate the nasal cavities from the mouth cavity. Cilia (hairs)