
Cards (25)

  • An outline is a map of an essay
  • This shows what information each section or paragraph contain and in what order
  • An outline reflects the summary or abstract of the text
  • An outline gives an essential features of a text
  • an outline organizes ur information in a hierarchical or logical order
  • Writing outline serves as your guide or blueprint in writing
  • reading outline is a outline after the text has been read
  • an outline helps us visualize our paper's potential structure
  • an outline helps us organize our ideas
  • before beginning an outline, it is useful to have a clear thesis statement or clear purpose or clear argument
  • Outline formats:
    • alpha numeric format - roman numerals, letters, and numbers
    • bullet points
    • decimals
  • Kinds of outline:
    • Sentence outline
    • Topic outline
    • Fragments
  • topic outline uses phrases that are not full sentences
  • fragments use single words or short phrases
  • an outline provides a means of organizing your information in a hierarchical or logical order
  • 4 principles in organizing the contents of an outline:
    • coordination
    • subordination
    • division
    • parallel construction
  • coordination - requires ideas of the same relevance to be labeled in the same way.
  • what is the means combining two sentences or ideas that are of equal value?
  • headings of the same level are of the same rank - coordination
  • subordination - major details show that minor details must be placed under their respective major details.
  • what is the means of combining two sentences or ideas in a way that makes one more important than the other?
  • information moves from general to specific - subordination
  • division - requires that no cluster should contain only one item, so if u have subheading 1, there should be subheading 2.
  • division - each subheading must have at least 2 subheadings in order to be divided
  • parallel construction - requires all entries in each cluster to use the same structure and format (consistent format & structure)