Auditing - it is a systematic process based on ordered & structured series of steps. Obtaining and evaluating evidence about assertions regarding economic actions and events.
Assertions - representations made by the auditee about economic actions and events.
Criteria - comparing the statements with an identified financial reporting framework.
Types of Financial Reporting Framework
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS)
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
Types of Audit
FinancialStatement Audit
Compliance Audit
Operational Audit
Types of Auditors
External Auditors
Internal Auditors
Government Auditors
ExternalAuditors - CPAs who offer professional service on a contractual basis who generally perform financial statement audits.
InternalAuditors - entity’s own employees who investigate and appraise the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and internal controls.
GovernmentAuditors - Determine whether persons or entities comply with government laws and regulations.
Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Finance Officer
Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSA) - is designed only to provide reasonable assurance (not absolute assurance) that the financial statement taken as a whole are free from material misstatements.
Audit evidence is generally persuasive rather than conclusive in nature.
The auditor should plan and perform the audit with an attitude of ProfessionalSkepticism.