Best known among sociologists of food and nutrition
“Distinction: A Social Critique of The Judgement of Taste”
Analyzed how taste is formed and reproduced in relation to class structure (France)
Theoretical & methodological approach that seeks to overcome sociological dichotomies
A way of…
Explaining the regularities of behavior associated with social structure (class, gender, ethnicity) without losing individual’s own agency → social structure is not deterministic
Describing the embodiment of social structures and history of individuals
Set of dispositions internal in individuals
Both reflects external social structures and shapes how the individual perceives the world and acts in it
Primary Habitus (Childhood)
Examples: Gender Identity
Most durable
Not only a product of structures and a producer of practices
It is also a reproducer of structures (generating practices related to those structures
Practice involves more than just habitus
Conseptualizes action as the outcome of a relationship
Between habitus, capital, and field
Structured spaces
Organized around a particular types of capital
Has dominant and supodinate positions
Field of Law
Field of Art
Field of Education
Intellectual Field
Field of Science
Field of Religion
Denote arenas of…
Appreciation of..
Goods, services, knowledge, or status
Competitive positions held by actors to monopolize
Cannot exist without capital
Four Types
Most straightforward, associated with power
From netwerks of relationships, especially institutionalized
Network of connections
The form other types take when their arbitrariness in their nature is misrecognized
3 Types:
Embodied State → long-lasting dispositions of the mind and body
Objective State → cultural goods
Instritutionalized State → a form of objectification resulting in educational qualifications
Bourdieu’s Model of Practice
A 3-step approach
An analysis of…
The particular field in relation to a broader field of power
The structure of objective relations between the different positions within the field
The habitus (notably class habitus) agents bring to their positions and the social trajectory of those positions