Most people receive conditions of worth; that is, they perceive that their parents, peers, or partners love and accept them only if they meet those people’s expectations and approval.
Preoccupation on other people’s view of oneself (external evaluations)
Incongruence - psychological disequilibrium begins when we do not accurately symbolize organismic experiences into awareness because they appear to be inconsistent with our emerging self-concept
Real self is different from the ideal self, or vice versa.
Vulnerability - exists when we have no awareness of the incongruence within our self
Anxiety and threat - re experienced as we gain awareness of such an incongruence; signal to us that our organismic experience is inconsistent with our self-concept
Defensiveness - protection of the self-concept against anxiety and threat by the denial or distortion of experiences inconsistent with it
With distortion, we misinterpret an experience in order to fit it into some aspect of our self-concept.
With denial, we refuse to perceive an experience in awareness, or at least we keep some aspect of it from reaching symbolization.
Disorganization - behavior can become disorganized or even psychotic when one’s defenses fail to operate properly.