
Cards (11)

  • The Suitors
    Young, handsome and from noble families, expected for heroes, but subversive as they are immoral men.
  • Antinous
    Ringleader and most obviously malicious.
    Throws stool at beggar Odysseus.
    Leads the assassination plot against Telemachus.
  • Eurymachus
    Clever and manipulative one.
    Affair with Melantho.
    Only suitor to charge Odysseus head on in the battle of the hall which shows honourable attitude to kleos
  • Amphinomus
    Most sympathetic suitor
    Liked by Penelope
    Marked for death by Athene and killed by Telemachus
  • Odysseus' Crew
    Sometimes sympathetic - Cyclopes
    Sometimes incompetent and disobey orders - Aeolus’ bag of wind and Helios' cattle
  • Eurylochus
    Member of Odysseus' crew
    Disobedient and challenges Odysseus' authority
    Persuades others to kill Helios' cattle
    Smart - doesn't fall into Circe's trap
  • Calypso
    Subversive female character - supernatural/divine
    Keeps Odysseus on her island, Ogygia, for seven years
    Complains about males being able to keep lovers but not her
    Hermes tells her to let Odysseus go and she eventually does
    Provides xenia to Hermes and gives resources to Odysseus
  • Eurycleia​
    Odysseus' childhood maid
    Recognised Odysseus due to a scar on his leg - unplanned
    Odysseus uses violence to keep her quiet
  • Penelope
    Odysseus' wife
    Presented as the ideal wife
    Intelligent - fools the suitors by weaving funeral shroud and unravelling it at night
    Tests Odysseus to see if it is really him
  • Nausicaa
    Ideal young bride
    Too shy to talk to her father about marriage and plays with other girls her age - highlights her youth
    Mature too - Protects him from xenophobic Phaeacians, brave when Odysseus begs for xenia.
  • Circe
    Initially presented as antagonistic
    Is defeated by him
    Gives Odysseus lots of advice - Hades, Scylla and Charybdis, Sirens