Electricallyexcitable cells with a specialisedstructure that allows them to carry out their functions
Three-dimensional shape makes the immense numbers of connections within the nervous system possible
Use membrane potentials to generateelectricalsignals by controllingmovementofions across their membrane to create electrical currents
Small but bigenough to allow for signalling between neurons and muscles
Cell membrane is responsible for regulating what crosses membrane
The distributionofchargeacross the cell membrane, measured inmillivolts
Intracellularfluid has an excess of negativecharge
Excessnegativeions are attracted to the excess positiveionsoutside the cell and vice versa
Sodium and potassium ions
Play the most importantroles in generating the resting membrane potential
Sodium-potassium pump movesthreesodium ions for every twopotassium ions
Leak channels
The only way ions can move across the membrane
Morepotassiumchannelsthansodium channels, so potassiumcanmovemorethansodium
This maintains the membrane potential at -70 millivolts
Action potentials
Two types of changes in membrane potential: depolarisation (less difference in charge) and repolarisation (more difference in charge)
Sequence of events during an action potential
1. Membrane is sufficiently depolarised
2. Triggers change in confirmation or shape of channel with inactivation gate swinging away opening channel
Synaptic transmission
Chemical synapses where neurotransmitters are released from the ends of the axons of one neuron and transmit a signal to a nearby cell
Neurotransmittercauses a change in the cell the neuron synapses with, e.g.causeneuron to conveyelectricalsignal causing muscletocontract or gland to secrete
Two types of changes in membrane potential
graded potentials: signs, over short distances
action potentials: signal over long—distances in nerve, muscle