Earth Science

Cards (20)

  • Equator
    Reference Point for latitude is at 0°. Divide the Earth into two hemispheres: Northern and southern
  • Significant thus of Latitude
    • Equator
    • Tropic of Cancer 23.5 North
    • Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 South
    • Antarctic Circle 66.5 South
    • Arctic Circle 66.5° North
  • Climate condition
    • Tropical Zone
    • Temperate zones
    • Frigid Zones (Cold)
  • GPS
    • Global Positioning System
  • Atmosphere
    The Great mass of air that envelops Earth's surface and is held in place by the planet's gravitational force
  • Layers of the Atmosphere
    • Exosphere: (700-10,000 km)
    • Thermosphere: (80 - 700 km)
    • Mesosphere (50 - 80 km)
    • Stratosphere (12-50 km)
    • Troposphere: (0-12 km)
  • Altitude: the distance above sea level
  • Global Warming: A potential increase in average global atmospheric temperature resulting from the greenhouse effect
  • Troposphere - where weather occurs; air temperature decreases with altitude
  • Atmosphere has different layers, including troposphere (lowest layer), stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
  • Natural resources: The raw materials or substances such as minerals, water and fertile land that occurs in nature
  • Renewable resources: a natural resource that is unlimited or that is naturally replenished rather quickly
  • Non-Renewable: a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption
  • What layers of atmosphere have both increasing altitude and temperature? Exosphere, Thermosphere and Stratosphere
  • What layers of atmosphere have increasing altitude but have decreasing temperature? Mesosphere and Troposphere
  • Troposphere - the lowest part of the atmosphere where all weather takes place.
  • Stratosphere - the second layer above the troposphere which contains ozone gas.
  • Mesosphere - the third layer above the stratosphere
  • Exosphere - the fifth layer above the thermosphere
  • Thermosphere - the fourth layer above the mesosphere that is made up of charged particles (ions).