Cards (10)

  • Protease enzyme
    Tripin, produced by the small intestine of most mammals, involved in the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in proteins
  • Substrate
    Casine, the protein in milk
  • Enzyme-controlled reaction
    Casine digested by Tripin to produce smaller, more soluble peptides
  • Preparing solutions
    • Use a water bath to heat solutions to 40°C
    • Prepare 10 mL of 3% powdered milk solution in two test tubes, one labeled T and one labeled C
    • Prepare 4 mL of pH 7 buffer in the C tube, and 2 mL of pH 7 buffer plus 2 mL of 0.5% Tripin solution in the T tube
  • Procedure
    1. Place the test tubes in the water bath for 5 minutes to reach 40°C
    2. Add the Trypsin solution to the T tube and mix
    3. Add the milk solution to the C tube and mix
    4. Start the timer immediately after mixing
    5. Observe the tubes and stop the timer when the X mark becomes visible through the T tube
  • Endpoint
    The point at which the X mark becomes visible through the T tube
  • Calculating reaction rate
    Divide the total reaction time by the time taken for the reaction to complete
  • Increasing temperature
    Increases the reaction rate up to an optimum temperature
  • Temperatures above optimum

    Decrease the reaction rate
  • The exact optimum temperature cannot be determined with certainty from the data