Global shift had important role in reducing extreme poverty
From 88% in 1981 to only 0.7% in 2018
2000-2010: conditions for workers remarkably improved and disposable income for workers of urban citizens rose threefold following a series of protests.
2010: workers walked off production lines for Honda, Toyota, Carlsberg and other legal brands which caused a wage increase of between 30-65%.
Many less desirable 'sweatshop' jobs have migrated to Bangladesh where labour costs are much lower
Improved conditions so people enjoy large income groups
More people can afford phones and fridges
Car ownership increased from 1-in-100 families to 1-in-15 since 2000
Increase in China's econ growth driven by this domestic consumption
Technology transfer occurred since early days of manufacturing led industrialisation
Local companies adopted technologies and management techniques brought by TNCs to China
Chinese banks = some of the world's largest TNCs e.g ICBC
Early years: many workers exploited in sweatshops
Approx 2550 metal workers exploited in Yongkang lost a limb/finger per yr due to dangerous factory conditions
Since then, conditions improved but some workers still continue to be exploited.
Environment suffers - 'airpocalypse' is an air pollution phrase by Western media.
Pollution decreases life expectancy by 5 years.
WHO is concerned with very high avg levels of small particulate matter aka PM 2.5
Particles settle deep in lungs = causes cancer and strokes