Aim to overthrow the existing social structure and replace it with the new one. Seek radical change and always seek to alter the power structure of the society.
States that the working class even with their longer hours of work could barely support their family's basic needs, leading to the possibility of revolt and breaking existing structures that cause their exploitation
Refers to the conscious feelings of negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actual realities, which may lead to collective action and mobilization against the authorities or groups causing their miseries
Refers to the type of mobilization utilizing resources like money, media, political influence and influential people to articulate a group's grievances and frustrations and in the process popularized their causes
Usually religious in character and do not attempt to change the society, but engaged primarily in attracting people to their religious causes and beliefs such as God's deliverance and the salvation of their soul
Promise an ideal if not perfect harmonious existence in society for its members. Convince their members that they can live in justice, freedom, equality, wisdom, beauty and plenty.
Applied as a method of repression by authoritarian and totalitarian governments to maintain power and secure social and political control, using the state apparatus to spread terror against suspected dissidents and political opposition groups