Sampling (technqiues)

Cards (17)

  • Random sampling is a method of selecting a sample from a population by selecting individuals from the population at random.
  • Opportunity sampling is whoever is convinient and available at the time
  • Systematic sampling is from a predetermined system, nth nu,ber
  • Self selcted sampling is when the researcher selects participants from a list of people who have agreed to take part in the study
  • Snowball sampling is a technique used to gather data from a small group of people to a larger group of people
  • Stratified sampling is when participants are obti=ained from each of the strata in proportions to their occurance in the target populations
  • random sampling
  • Opportunity
    +quick and easy
    _ may be baised as its from a small population
  • Systematic
    +unbised as people are selected through a system
    _not truly random unlesss using random method
  • Self-selected
    + gives access to a variety of people
    _ volunteer bias
  • Snowball
    +researcher gets people who are diffuclt to contact
    _not likely to be a good cross-sections as the p's are friends of friends
  • Stratified
    +more representative
    _ time consuming
  • Target populations is the large group of people the researchers wish to study
  • A sample is the small griuoof people who represent the targer populations and who are studied
  • Representative is when the sampling of the participants is made up of peole who have the same chracteristics and abilities as the targer population
  • Generalise refers to the extent to whihc we can apply findings of out research to the targer populations we are interested in
  • Population validity is the extent to which the results of the study can be generalized to the population as a whole