Mumbai Rapid Megacity Growth

Cards (9)

  • 2018 = estimate population of 2.6mn (x2 since 1970)
  • People move there from impoverished rural states e.g Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
  • Urban employment covers a range of economic sectors and skill levels
  • Big global brands e.g Hilton and starbucks are present in Mumbai
  • Retail areas e.g Colaba Causeway = large number of locals working to sell goods to country's rising middle class
  • Very wealthy people in Mumbai e.g Bollywood stars + senior management of TNCs e.g Tata and Reliance Industries.
    Some of these people are billionaires.
  • Wealthy people spending helps drive up house prices in affluent areas e.g Altamount Road
  • Oppositely, Dharavi is a slum housing area.
    Buoyant economy: 5000 people employed in Dharavi's plastics recycling industries.
  • Rising land prices across Mumbai = great pressure to redevelop this and other slum areas.