dispositional explanations

    Cards (8)

    • AO1 authoritarian personality
      • adorno argued personality that was susceptible to obeying people in authority 
      • individuals are submissive to people of higher status and dismissive of inferiors 
    • how does a child develop an AP?
      • adorno argued that these childhood experiences create resentment and hostility in a child 
      • the child cant express these feelings directyy against parents as they fear punishment 
      • their fears are displaced onto others, who they percieve to be weaker (scapegoating)
      • which explains the hatred towards people considered to be socially inferior or who belong to other social groups 
    • characteristics of an AP
      • these people show an extreme repsect and submissivness to authority
      • these people view society as 'weaker' than it once was, and believe we need strong and powerful leaders to enforce traditional values such as love for country and family
      • both characteristics make people with an AP more likely to obey orders from a source of authority 
    • how are AP people more obedient
      • people with AP show contempt for those of inferior social status 
      • which is fuelled by their inflexible outlook on the world= theres no 'grey areas'
      • everything is either right or wrong and are uncomfortable with uncertainty
      • people without this outlook are responsible for the ills of society 
      • other' people are a convenient target for authoritarians who are likely to obey orders from authority figures even when orders can be descructive (Nazi Germany)
    • what is the parenting style?
      • extremely strict discipline
      • expectation of absolut loyalty
      • impossibly high standards
      •  severe critcism of perceived failings 
    • adornos research 1950
      •  more than 2000 middle class, white americans and their unconscious attitudes towards other ethnic groups 
      • F scale: used to measure the AP, participants had to rate each item on 6 point scale
    • what was Adornos findings
      • people who scored high on the F scale and other measures identified with 'strong' people and were disrespectful of the 'weak'
      • people were very conscious of theirs and others status 
      • people showed extreme respect, consideration and servility to those of higher status 
    • AO3 methodological criticisms
      • when determining authoritarian personality traits
      • f scale suffers from response bias or social desirability
      • participants appeared more authoritarian, they're answers were socially 'correct'
      • they're incorrectly classified as authoritarian
      • this reduces the internal validity of the questionnaire research when determining the degree of authoritarianism