Russian Oligarchs to London

Cards (6)

  • Elite international migrants are highly skilled and/or socially influential individuals whose wealth derives from their profession or inherited assets.
  • Some elite migrants live as 'global citizens' and have multiple homes in different countries and encounter few obstacles when moving between countries
  • The global elite is made up of people who can move around the world with ease, often due to their high income levels and social status
  • Global elites include businesspeople, politicians, celebrities, and other wealthy individuals who travel frequently across borders
  • Most governments welcome highly skilled and extremely wealthy migrants e.g many skilled and affluent Americans and Russian oligarchs live or work in the UK despite the fact that these countries aren't part of the EU.
  • e.g Roman Abramovich who amassed a fortune of £9.4bn through oil and metal as well as being the owner of Chelsea FC.