When Jesus rose from the dead, showing the idea of eternal life and giving Christians hope that they will rise from the dead as well, and showing Jesus conquering sin and death
God is just and will judgepeople after death based on how they have lived their lives, on the Day of Judgement. Souls will go to either Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. Some believe faith is enough for heaven whereas others believe in the need for goodacts as well
Rarely described in the Bible, so some may think it is a physicalplace, whereas others believe it is the spiritualstate of permanentlybeingunited with God, in a state of everlastinghappiness
Where unrepentant sinners go after death as they have not acceptedsalvation and forgiveness through Jesus'ssacrifice.Place of pain and suffering without God. Some believe it is a physical place whereas others believe it is the spiritual state of being separated from God forever
Inspires or influences Christians to have hope and reassurance that death will not be the end as they shall live on spiritually, and teaches them to not be scared and to have hope to see loved ones again
In Christianliterature and artworkhell is pictured as a place of punishment - a big influence on Christians to make them scared of going there as hell is a place of suffering