Modern technology has increased food supply substantially
Agricultural machinery has replaced humans and improvedefficiency due to the ability to farm much larger areas of land
Chemical fertilisers improve yields - fertilisers increase the amount of nutrients in the soil for plants, meaning that they can growlarger and produce more fruit
Insecticides and herbicides - these chemicals kill off unwantedinsects and weedspecies, meaning that there is lessdamage done to plants and fruit lost to insects (insecticides), as well as reducingcompetition from other plant species (herbicides)
Selective breeding - animals and crop plants which produce a largeyield are selectively bred to produce breeds that reliably produce highyields
Modern agricultural processes allows for cultivation of much larger areas of land for crop plants
Monoculture farming does not happen naturally in ecosystems, where there are usually many different species of plants growing which, in turn, support many species of animals (high biodiversity)
Increase in pest populations - if a particular pest feeds on a crop, farming it in large areas repeatedly means there is an amplesupplyoffood for the pest, causing the population to increase