Changing relations between the superpowers

Cards (15)

  • What is linkage?

    The idea that each side gives the other something they want. E.g US was to improve trade and technology and reduce arms and soviets would try to persuade North Vietnam to end the war.
  • What is SALT?
    Strategic Arms Reductions Talks - to limit the arms race on each side.
  • What is the Helsinki Agreement?

    The superpowers sign up to an agreement that aims to improve security, cooperation and human rights.
  • What happened in Afghanistan?

    A communist revolution takes place and the soviets send in troops to keep them in power. This breaks down relations between the Soviets and the americans.
  • What is the ping pong diplomacy?
    A table tennis tournament which aimed to improve relations between communist and capitalist countries
  • What was the Space Race?
    Competition between the United States and Soviet Union to achieve space exploration.
  • Why was Detente needed?
    • Soviets didn't believe they could match the spending of the US
    • US had financial burdens over the Vietnam war and needed to cut spending
    • The price of oil rocketed in the 70s and both superpowers experienced economic problems
    • It seemed there could be no clear winner in the arms race
    • Both sides had come to the brink of Nuclear War
    • The Americans wanted to have better relations to end the war in Vietnam
  • Why did Detente fail?

    • Neither side really trusted the other
    • Soviets invaded Afghanistan and the US wouldn't stand for this
    • In protest of Afghanistan the US boycotted Moscow olympics
    • Many of the agreements were only face value and didn't go much deeper (Ping pong diplomacy)
    • Both sides continued to stockpile weapons
    • USSR blatantly broke the human rights element of the Helsinki agreement
  • What is detente?
    A period of time trying to improve relations through agreements.
  • What attempts were there at detente?
    • Linkage
    • SALT
    • Helsinki agreement
    • Soviets invaded afghanistan
    • Ping pong diplomacy
    • Space race
  • What is Glasnost?
    When Gorbachev encouraged people to be more honest when talking about politics. He encouraged more freedom of speech - he wanted communist politicians to take criticism on board, look to make changes and stamp out corruption.
  • What is perestroika?
    This was an attempt to modernise and rebuild the Soviet state, allowing people to buy and sell goods for a profit. Gorbachev realised that military spending had to be reduced, and withdrew Afghanistan troops
  • SALT 1?
    Both superpowers put limits on the number of nuclear missiles that could be produced.
  • SALT 2?
    • There was agreement over limiting the production of long-range missiles.
    • These agreements never came to much - the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and the Cold War began to escalate once more.
  • Helsinki agreement?
    • Both sides agreed to recognise the current borders of European countries.
    • Both sides agreed to respect human rights and freedoms in their respective countries.
    • Both sides agreed to help each other economically and technologically.