Subgroup of a Genus, group of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups + share physical/physiological/behavioural characteristics
Species with important role + disproportionally large effect on its ecosystem relative to its abundance - if it dies out, whole ecosystem will collapse without backup species
Depends on avg. no. of offspring per reproduction, chances of survival to reproductive age, how often organism reproduces, age of 1st reproduction, reproductive life span, gestation period, death rate under ideal conditions
Environmental limiting factors which prevent biotic potential of organism from being reached, prevent population from continuing to increase exponentially
Factors which reduce reproduction OR increase mortality independently/irrespective of population density, e.g. weather, climate, geological disturbances, natural disasters, physical characteristics, human activities, behaviour of organisms
Factors which have an increasing effect on population the more closely spaced individuals become / the higher the population density, e.g. competition, predation, disease, parasitism, behavioral problems