Cards (130)

  • Product
    Anything that can be offered in a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption
  • Product (Kotler)
    Anything that can beyond meet a need or want
  • Five Product Levels (Kotler)

    • Core Benefit
    • Generic Product
    • Expected Product
    • Augmented Product
    • Potential Product
  • Core Benefit
    Fundamental need or want that the customers satisfies when they buy a product
  • Generic Product
    Basic version of the product made up only those features necessary for it to function
  • Expected Product
    The set of features that the customers expect when they buy the product
  • Augmented Product
    Any product variations, extra features, or services that help differentiate the product from its competitors
  • Potential Product

    All augmentations and transformations the product might undergo in the future
  • Product Classification According to Use
    • Consumer Goods
    • Industrial Goods
  • Consumer Goods
    Purchased for personal consumption
  • Industrial Goods
    Purchased in order to make other goods
  • Product Classification According to Differentiation
    • Undifferentiated Goods
    • Differentiated Goods
  • Undifferentiated Goods
    Physical characteristics are so identical
  • Differentiated Goods
    Characteristics and features are distinguishable from one another
  • Product Classification According to Durability
    • Consumable Goods
    • Semi-durable Goods
    • Durable Goods
  • Consumable Goods

    Used by a consumer for a short period of time
  • Semi-durable Goods

    Longer period of time
  • Durable Goods
    Manufactured to last a long time. Capable of providing consumers with years of beneficial use
  • Product Classification According to Type
    • Convenience Goods
    • Shopping Goods
    • Specialty Goods
    • Unsought Goods
  • Convenience Goods
    Purchased frequently, usually inexpensive, and do not require much purchase effort and evaluation
  • Shopping Goods
    Purchased less frequently. Consider features, evaluates attributes, and compare prices
  • Specialty Goods
    Require an unusually large effort
  • Unsought Goods

    Seldom actively look for, and are usually purchased for extraordinary reasons
  • Service
    Production that consist of activities, benefits, or satisfaction offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything
  • Four Major Attributes of Services

    • Intangibility
    • Variability
    • Inseparability
    • Perishability
  • Intangibility
    Services are intangible
  • Variability
    No one can render the same service in exactly the same way every single time
  • Inseparability
    Services are rendered and consumed simultaneously
  • Perishability
    Unconsumed services cannot be stored or warehoused
  • Capacity Management
    The management of the limits of an organization's resources
  • Types of Experience
    • Product Experience
    • Customer Experience
  • Product Experience

    Overall value of a product or service to customers
  • Customer Experience
    The impression your customers have of your brand as a whole throughout all aspects of the buyer's journey
  • Importance of Customer Experience - critical to the sustained growth of any business
  • Price
    The amount of money charged for a product or service
  • Price (definition)
    The sum of all the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service
  • Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue
  • Factors to Consider When Setting Prices

    • Internal Factors
    • External Factors
  • Internal Factors
    • Marketing Objectives
    • Marketing-mix Strategies
    • Costs
    • Organizational Considerations
  • Marketing Objectives

    The company must decide on its strategy for the product