Transboundary Water Conflict in SE Asia

Cards (9)

  • Transboundary water conflicts in SE Asia can be linked with globalisation
  • Globalisation = FDI to India + help Indian-based TNCs e.g Tata to thrive but this puts pressure on water supplies
  • China's damming of the Mekong River has led to reduced river flow downstream, affecting agriculture and fisheries in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • 2000: Cola's subsidiary firm established bottling plant near aquifer in Planchimada village, Kerala
    6 wells were dug, tapping into precious groundwater stores and water shortages began to be reported not long after.
  • India's integration into global systems increased incomes for 100s of mns of Indians who now enjoy flushing toilets and showers
  • Improving situation for remaining 250 mn Indians still lacking access to clean water which increases pressure on scarce water supplies in many places
  • India's total water demand is expected to exceed all current sources of supply so will be water scarce by 2025
  • Heightened water demands can cause transboundary conflict + tension over use of large rivers shared with other countries e.g China whose own water needs have recently sky rocketed
  • Transboundary Brahmaputra River originates in Tiber and flows through China before reaching India, who is concerned China may build dams capable of diverting Brahmaputra away from it.