control of blood glucose conc

Cards (12)

  • what happens when blood glucose levels increases
    • beta cells in islets of langerhans detect the change and release insulin
    • causes liver cells to become more permeable to glucose and activates enzymes to convert excess glucose → glycogen for storage
  • what happens when blood glucose levels decreases
    • alpha cells in islets of langerhans detect the change and release glucagon
    • 2nd messenger model - activates enzymes to hydrolyse glycogen 
    • glycogen → glucose and released into the blood
  • glycogenosis:
    excess glucose converted to glycogen
  • glycogenolysis:
    hydrolysis of glycogenglucose
  • gluconeogenesis:
    creating glucose from non-carbohydrate stores (amino acids/glycerol)
  • action of insulin:
    • attaches receptors to target cells - changes the tertiary structure of proteins so more glucose are able to be absorbed
    • increase in no. protein carriers in the cell membrane - increases the uptake of glucose
    • activates enzymes needed to convert glucose → glycogen (glycogenosis)
  • action of glucagon:
    • attaches receptors to target cells for protein - adenylate cyclase becomes activated
    • adenylate cyclase converts ATP to cyclic AMP 
    • cAMP can activate protein kinase to hydrolyse glycogen → glucose (glycogenolysis)
    • also activates enzyme for converting glycerol/amino acids → glucose
  • role of adrenaline:
    if blood glucose is too low:
    • adrenaline increases blood glucose
    • attaches to receptors on surfaces of target fells 
    • causes proteins to be activated: converting ATP → cAMP
    • cAMP activates an enzyme: hydrolyses glycogenglucose
  • type I diabetes:
    body is unable to produce much insulin
    • mainly occurred in childhood
    • treatment: injections of insulin
  • type II diabetes:
    receptors on target cells lose responsiveness to insulin
    • due to obesity/poor diet
  • osmoregulation:
    control of water potential in the body
    • occurs in the nephrons - found in the kidney
  • Explain how insulin lowers the concentration of blood glucose.
    • beta cells in islets of langerhans detect the change and release insulin
    • Binds to receptor on target/liver/muscle cell;
    • Glucose (diffuses) into cells (and lowers blood glucose)
    • (Enzymes in cells) convert glucose to glycogen;