the black death

Cards (12)

  • What was the Black Death?
    An infectious disease
    spread by fleas carried by rats
  • When did it arrive in England?
  • what were the symptoms?
    high fever
    coughing up blood
    buboes in groin/armpits
  • what were the believed causes?
    Gods will
    4 humours
  • actual causes?
    bacteria grew in fleas stomach
    fleas travelled on rats and passed disease to humans
  • Why did it spread so quickly?

    ignorance of germs
    unhygienic habits
    food shortages-poor were vulnerable and weak
    dirty streets encouraged rats to breed
  • what remedies did people try?

    moving away
    carried strong smelling herbs to ward of miasma
    apothecaries made herbal remedies
  • what measures were taken to stop it?
    cemeteries built away from towns
    towns banned travellers from entering-quarantine
    people repented in hope that God would forgive them
  • what were religious impacts?
    -damage to catholic church as priests died
    -showed church was not immune to diseases
  • what were the political impacts
    weakened feudal system
    people began to challenge social hierarchy as rich were not immune to disease either
  • what were the economic impacts?

    created food shortages
    farm workers demanded higher wages
    landowners switched to sheep farming as less workers needed
  • when did the black death end?
    never died out until much later
    1/3 of Europe died