medieval medics

Cards (15)

  • what training did medieval doctors have?
    attended uni
    learned Galen/Hippocratic methods
  • what was the role of the church in training doctors?
    many unis funded by catholic church
    influenced by churches beliefs
  • what methods did doctors use?
    4 humours
    diagnosis-rarely treated a patient themselves
    sample study-urine,blood,faeces
  • why didn't many people visit physicians?

    only really based in large towns
    not many doctors anyway
  • what were apothecaries?

    people who sold herbal remedies
  • how did apothecaries train?

    no formal education
    most had knowledge through family/experience
    "Materia medica" to study herbal remedies
  • what were barber surgeons?
    Barber surgeons would carry out basic surgery
    .They learned their skills from watching others and reading books about surgery.
  • what were the risks of using a barber surgeon
    lots of people died from infections/wounds
  • what were medieval hospitals like?

    mostly run by church
    monks/nuns cared for patients
    care not treat
  • who did medieval hospitals care for?
    used to house poor/elderly
    hospitals that did care for sick only provided basic nursing
  • how did wisewomen treat the sick?
    gave first aid
    herbal remedies
    supernatural cures
  • what was surgery like in medieval times?
    not many survived
  • what were the problems with surgery?
    Pain, infection and blood loss
  • who was john ardene?
    english surgeon
  • what did john ardene achieve?
    created guild of surgeons
    used opium as anaesthetic
    wrote book called "pratica" which showed realistic drawings of surgery and surgical instruments