Cloth merchant in Holland who used a magnifying glass to inspect quality of cloth, developed into an amateur microscope builder and discovered "wee animalcules"
Leeuwenhoek did not invent microscopes, but his skill in grinding and polishing lenses achieved 200X magnification, making him the "Father of Microscopy"
Showed that food treated to destroy microorganisms would not putrefy, and that re-growth in previously sterile media was due to contamination from the ubiquitous presence of microbes
The microorganism must be easily found in all organisms suffering from the disease, but not in healthy organisms.
The microorganism must be isolated and grown in pure culture.
The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
Bacteria use enzymes which can target specific sequences (restriction enzymes) or use systems that can be directed against specific sequences like CRISPR
Quinine: First known chemical to treat a disease (malaria). Used by Spanish conquistadors.
Oxygen available as an electron carrier• Much greater potential for energy than in the anoxic environment• Ozone layer protects from UV allowing for more stable DNA
Microbiome plays roles in– (a) nutrition– (b) development– (c) immunity– (d) behaviour– (e) protection against harmful bacteria