The most labor-intensive for the database designer. Involves assessing the informational needs of an organization so that data base can be designed to meet those needs.
Requirement Analysis
the process of mapping or modelling
Logical Design
A description of the structure of a database; the first part of logical design
Conceptual model
diagram used during database development to illustrate the organization of and relationship bet. data during database design
Entity relationship diagram
process of applying increasingly stringent rules to a relational database to correct any problems associated with poor design
this stage has only one purpose; it finds way to speed up the performance of relation database management system.
Physical design
Physical design stage has only one purpose: "__________________________"
maximize database efficiency
the stage where you implement your RDMBS. For instance, creating SQL tables
stage where you monitor and maintain your RDBMS.
Monitoring and Modification
a study where the designer must examine the current system's operation within the company and determine how and why the current system fails.
Database Initial Study
purpose of database initial study where it describes the general condition of the company, its operation, organization structure etc.
analyze the company situation
the process of defining the problems that might intially appear to be unstructured.
Define problems and constraints
The process where the designer describes the whole objective of the database systeem
Define objective
__________________________________is the process where the designer must recognize two sets of limits: ____________________ and _____________________
Define scope and boundaries, scope, boundaries
ER stands for?
ER develops a conceptual design for the database. It also develops a _______ and ______ view of data.
simple, easy to design
ER is a _________ data model.
high level
used to describe the property of an entity.
it may be an object, class, person, or place. In ER diagram, it can be represented as rectangles
represented by single rectangle; it is always the primary key
Strong entity
depends on another entity; doesnt contain any key attribute of its own; reprsented by double rectangle.
Weak entity
used to represent the main characteristic of an entity; represent the primary key; represented by an ellipse with the text underlined.
Key Attributes
composed of many other attributes; represented by ellipse.
Composite Attributes
An attribute that can have one value; represented by double oval
Multivalued Attributes
represented by dashed ellipse
Derived attributes
describe the relation between two entitties. Represented by Diamond or Rhombus
a relationship where one entity is associated with only one instance of entity
One-to-one Relationship
one instance of entity is associated with more than one instance of entity
One-to-many relationship
relationship between several instances of one entity and one instance of another entity.
Many-to-One relationship
relationship is where more than one record in a table is related to more than one record in another table.
Many-to-many relationship
Cardinality is the _____________ times an entity can relate to an instance with another entity or entity set.
Cardinality is represented by ____________ depending on the type of cardinality that is to be shown.
lines that have diff. stylings
it is the minimum time an entity can relate to an instance with another entity or entity set