Subject choice

Cards (7)

  • feminine and masculine
    • femiinine: english/social science
    • masculine: maths/stem
  • socialisation and gender domains
    • primary and secondary socialisation, toys and bedroom cuture
    • Byrne- teachers encorage boys to be tough and innotavie
    • brown and ross- male and female terriories
    • boys are better at solving maths problems with carsect women with food
  • subject choices
    • male science and maths teacher
    • text book examples and images of boys in text books
    • certain gender teacher reflect if it is a gender subject
  • gender identity
    • Dewer said those who were good at sport were often labelled with homophobic language
  • career advice
    • difference in caring role and labour roles. Push girls to go to uni and boys do apperntaships
  • working class girls
    • fulelr work placment and advice steered towards working class, girls in retail,nusery ect
  • Feminisation of education
    Claim that boys fall behind because education is feminised and schools don't nurture masculine traits