First Nations in Canada

Cards (5)

  • Canada = home to 6 indigenous groups called the First Nations
  • Some first Nations people of Mackenzie and Yukon River Basins oppose attempts of global oil companies to 'switch on' their region
  • Dene residents of Sahtu region experienced negative impacts of globalisation and petroleum developments near settlement of Norman Wells
    >200 mn barrels conventional oil extracted since 1920
    Particular concerns include:
    • Death of trout and other fish in oil polluted lakes - of concern as their lifestyles based around subsistence fishing, hunting and trapping = fundamental to the Dene's cultural identity.
    • Effects of alcohol and drugs brought by oil workers on behaviour of young Dene people
  • Oil TNCs e.g Shell, ExxonMobil, Imperial Oil and Conoco Phillips Canada now exploring surrounding Canol Shale and accessing its potential for Shale oil.
  • Shale fracking aka hydraulic fracturing in other geographical locations can cause water pollution