Organism and its Environment 2

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  • Abiotic factors

    Non-living components of the environment that can limit the distribution and abundance of organisms
  • Soil
    • Serves as the reservoir of nutrients
    • Plants obtain nutrients from water often in soil then animals get nutrients from plants
    • Availability of nutrients is dependent on soil properties
    • Soil harbors thousands of organisms in every handful
  • Soil formation
    1. Physical weathering
    2. Biological weathering
  • Rhizospheres
    Aggregations of microbes around roots
  • Soil horizons
    • A (Eluvial): dead plants and animals reduced to organic material by humification
    • A-0: litter; organic matter
    • A-1: humus
    • A-3: leached zone
    • B (Illuvial): mineral soil (mineralization)
    • C: unmodified parent material
  • Soil types

    • Mollisol: Soft, dark; Calcification; grassland
    • Spodosol/podzol: Ash, gray; acid soil; Podzolization; Tropical Rainforest (TRF)
    • Oxisol: Reddish soil (FeO3); Laterization; SubTRF, TRF
    • Aridisol: Salty, no organic matter; Caliche formation; desert
    • Gley soil: Black ("peat"); Gleization; Marshy, boggy
    • Anthrosol: 25% "fill" with lots of pulverized concrete, dust, and debris; more nitrogen and lime runoff; Anthropogenic; Human-created urban soil
  • Soil composition

    • Gravel (> 2.0 mm)
    • Sand (0.05-2.0mm); feels gritty
    • Silt (0.002-0.05); looks like flour
    • Clay (<0.002); too small and fine; colloidal
  • Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC)
    Order of adherence of ions: Humid regions: H+ and Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ > Na+; Arid regions: Ca2+ and Mg2+ >K+ and Na+> H+
  • Soil pH

    • < pH 5: Deficiencies of P, Fe, Cu and Zn; Toxicity of Boron
    • >pH 7.5: Deficiencies of P, Ca, Mg, K, and Mo; Toxicity of aluminum
  • Water
    Essential for all life; "Hydride of oxygen"; Covalently bonded hydrogen and oxygen atoms; Extraordinarily stable; Forms hydrogen bonds with other water molecules
  • Properties of water

    • Has 3 phases on earth
    • High specific heat capacity & heat of vaporization
    • High enthalpy of fusion
    • High surface tension
    • Moderately viscous
    • Temperature-dependent density
    • Miscible with liquids & (in gaseous form) with air
  • Water as a limiting factor
    Very pronounced among terrestrial organisms
  • Water as a limiting factor

    • Limits aquatic plant
    • Animal adaptations: Whiskered Tern birds, African ungulates, Couchs Spadefoot Toad
    • Limits animals
    • Limits animals due to salt concentrations
  • Temperature
    Controls metabolic processes
  • Temperature and water

    Influencing plant adaptation
  • Plant adaptations to temperature and water loss

    • Dormancy
    • Structures: bulliform cells, trichomes, sunken stomates, thick cuticle, Transfusion tissue
    • Heat shock proteins
  • Temperature regulation

    • Endothermy: Heat from within, Homeothermy, Warm-blooded
    • Ectothermy: Heat from without, Poikilothermy, Cold-blooded
    • Heterothermy: Employ both ectothermy and endothermy, Temporal heterotherms
  • Homeothermy
    • Maintain body temp form oxidizing glu and energy-rich molecules
    • Sustenance of high levels of physical activity
    • Cell respiration: rate of respiration is proportional to body mass (body mass0.75)
  • Homeothermy adaptations

    • Reflective fur
    • Evaporative cooling: sweating & panting
    • Wallow in water
    • Insulation: Body fat, Fur/ Feathers, Preening, Feather ball/ fluffing
  • Poikilotherms
    • Low metabolic rate
    • High ability to maintain heat exchange between environment (high conductivity)
    • Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, other invertebrates
  • Crown fires/ Wildfire

    Intense and out of control; Destroy vegetation and some soil organic matter; Reset successional processes
  • Surface fires
    Exert a more selective effect; Supplement bacterial action; Favor fire-tolerant ecosystem; Relieve competition
  • Ionizing radiation

    Intense energy that produces ion pairs; From radioactive materials (radionuclides/radioisotopes); Cosmic rays: Radiation from outer space
  • Flooding
    • Agent of disturbance; Biotic processes: decomposition, dispersal
    • Abiotic factors: temperature, humidity, currents
  • Wind
    • Agent of disturbance; Biotic processes: growth, dispersal
    • Abiotic factors: nutrient availability