1. Initially the sinus venosus collects blood from paired vitelline veins (vv) and umbilical veins (uv) , then later from common cardinal veins (ccv) superiorly
2. Absorption of the sinous venosus into the right atrium starts with a deep groove - at the left sino-atrial junction
3. As the gut tube develops, the vitelline veins are displaced laterally. Splitting the sinous venosus into left and right horns
4. As the body of the sinus venosus is absorbed into the right atrium, rt and lf venous valves- fuse forming the septum spurium
5. The rt sinus horn - incorporated into wall of rt atrium
6. The lf venous valve & septum spurium fuse with developing atrial septum
7. Sup part rt vv - thickens- form crista terminalis, inf part forms- Vivc & vcs