EVOLUTION - Provides a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth and mechanisms by which changes to life have occurred
CAUSALMECHANISMS - Life requires information flow within and between cells and between environment the organisms
CELL - is the basic unit of life
STRUCTURE DICTATES FUNCTION - Understanding the behavior of an organism requires understanding the relationship between structure and function (at each and every level of organization)
LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION - Living organisms carry out functions at many different levels or organization simultaneously
INFORMATION FLOW - Life requires information flow within and between cells and between the environment and the organism
MATTER, ENERGY AND TRANSFORMATION - Living organism must obtain matter and energy from the external world. This matter and enerfy must be transformed and transferred in varied ways to build the organism and to perform work
HOMEOSTASIS - (and stability in a more general sense) maintains the internal environment in a more or less constant state compatible with life.