mitigation and adaption

Cards (6)

  • define mitigation
    Action taken to reduce the severity or remove it completely
    or something to moderate their risk

    stop damage
  • define adaption to a hazard
    changes in processes, practices and structures to moderate potential damages

    its not gonna stop it but reduces damage
  • what are the strategies of mitigation/adaptation
    modifying the event
    modify vulnerability and resilience (eg hazard zoning)
    modifying loss
  • how can you modify loss
    immediate responce by authorities; rescue efforts, relief aid
    external assistance from NGOs eg oxfam or red cross
    volunteers from affected communities
  • how can you modify the event
    volcanic eruptions can be modifies by using lava diversion barriers eg mount etna, italy, '83

    spraying water to cool and solidify lava flow eg Heimaey iceland '73

    tsunamis may be modified by changing the offshore coastal environment eg with offshore barriers eg in Ofunato bay in japan
    - or mangrove forests in gle jong, indonesia with 70k trees planted after 2004
  • how can you modify vunerability and resiliance
    make sure housing is up to code + earthquake resistant design (asiesmic design) eg the counterwight near the top of the Taipei 101 building in taiwan

    create land use zoning by predicting where a hazard might affect the most
    eg remove people and property from areas at risk of eruption or low lying floodable areas

    high speed tsunami warning systems
    - established in indonesia from 2008 onwards which can give people time to evacuate