Anton van Leeuwenhoek (October 24, 1632- August 26, 1723)
Using lenses he made himself ___ discovered the first protozoa and bacteria.
Robert Brown(December 21, 1773- June 10, 1858)
Robert Brown discovered the nucleus in the plant cell.
MatthiasJakobSchleiden (April 5, 1804- June 23, 1881)
Matthias made the first generalized statement about cells, which was that all plant tissues are made out of cells, and that cell were the basic building blocks of plants.
Theodor Schwann (December 7, 1810-June 23, 1881)
Theodor Schwann came to the conclusion that animal tissue was made of cells which ended that debate that plants and animals had different structures. He also made a theory that states that cells are organisms and organisms are made up of 2 or more cells and that cells are the basic units of structure for all organisms.
AlbrechtvonKoelliker (July 6, 1817-Nov. 2, 1905)
discovered that sperm and egg are cells.
CarlHeinrichBraun (May 10, 1805-March 29, 1877)
Carl Heinrich Braun reworked the cell theory and called cell the basic unit of life…
Rudolf Virchow made theory that all cells came from existing cells.
LouisPasteur(December 27, 1822- September 28, 1895)
Louis Pasteur discovered that microorganisms cause fermentation and disease, pioneered the study of molecular asymmetry, created the process of pasteurization, and developed vaccines against anthrax and rabies.