Cards (11)

  • Ancient Greece
    • Penis is the symbol of fertility and the male body was greatly admired
    • Wives were objects to be possessed
    • Women have no legal and political rights, not even allowed to read and write
    • Only function is to bear children
  • The Protestant Reformation
    • Sexuality is a natural part of life and that priests should be allowed to marry and have families
    • Sexual intimacy is to strengthen the bond between husband and wife and not just for procreation
  • 20th century
    • Separation between the church and state reduced the influence of the church over sexual matters and morals
    • Pregnancy was controlled by natural and artificial contraception
    • Increased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases because of risky sexual activities
    • Rise of feminism (employment, home life)
    • Overtime, it led to today's view of what is considered sexually normal
  • Biological perspectives of sexuality
    • It is the brain that initializes and organizes sexual behavior
    • Sexual reproduction starts with the body being prepared (secondary sex characteristics)
  • Secondary sex characteristics - male
    • Lower voice
    • Hair growth (chest, face, underarms, arms, legs, pubic area)
    • Increase in muscle size
    • Oily skin and pores enlarge
  • Secondary sex characteristics - female
    • Breasts
    • Hair growth (underarms, pubic area)
    • Hip widens
    • Oily skin and pores enlarge
  • Primary sex characteristics - male
    • Testes
    • Penis
    • Scrotum
    • Seminal vesicles and prostate glands
  • Chromosomes
    • Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes (threadlike structures composed of genes)
    • 22 pairs are called autosomes
    • 23rd pair (sex chromosomes) determines the sex
    • Female - xx, Male - xy
  • Sociobiological/Evolutionary perspectives of sexuality
    • Natural selection - process by which organisms that are best suited for their environment are most likely to survive
    • Traits that lead to reproductive advantage tend to be passed on and maladaptive traits are lost
    • Physical attraction is the starting point
    • Beauty is an evolutionary standard used to attract best male or best female
    • Women with big breasts produce more milk and ensures offspring's survival
    • Men with broad shoulders and muscles ensure safety and security for offspring
    • Survival is the goal but the kind of life the offspring will pass on to the next generation is also important
  • Psychological perspectives of sexuality
    • Sexuality involves emotions
    • Freud's sex instinct (pleasure principle of the ID, EGO, SUPEREGO)
    • Erogenous zones - areas of pleasure in the body
    • 5 psychosexual stages of development: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
  • Religious perspectives of sexuality
    • Judaism - marital sex is blessed by God and is pleasurable for both man and woman, sexual connection is an opportunity for spirituality
    • Islam - family is important, celibacy within marriage is prohibited, Muslim men are allowed to have up to 4 wives while women must have only 1 husband, extramarital sex is penalized
    • Taoism (China) - sex is natural and healthy, sexual union is a way to balance male and female energy
    • Hinduism - sexuality is seen as a spiritual force, ritual of lovemaking is celebrating and transcending the physical
    • Roman Catholic - marriage is purely for intercourse and procreation, homosexual orientation is not sinful but homosexual acts are immoral and sinful, opposes use of birth control and abortion is prohibited