10.1.11 Reproduction in plants

Cards (21)

  • Asexual reproduction
    Reproduction that does NOT involve fusion of gametes (sex cells)
  • Offspring of asexual reproduction
    Genetically identical (clones)
  • Advantages of asexual reproduction
    Population can increase rapidly (time and energy efficient)
    • Only one parent needed
    • Offspring are genetically identical ie. a favourable characteristic can help survival in the environment or for crops (eg disease resistant, high yield)
    Rapid colonization of favourable
  • Sexual reproduction

    Reproduction that involves the FUSION of the NUCLEI of two GAMETES (sex cells)
  • Offspring of sexual reproduction

    Genetically different
  • Sexual reproduction normally takes longer than asexual reproduction
  • Advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction
    • No details given
  • Sexual reproduction in plants
    1. Pollination (self or cross)
    2. Fertilisation (fusion of gamete nuclei)
  • Structures of a flowering plant
    • No details given
  • Self-pollination

    Pollen transferred from anther to stigma of same plant
  • Advantages of self-pollination

    • Efficient (pollen doesn't travel far), less energy wasted, doesn't rely on external factors
  • Cross-pollination
    Pollen transferred from anther to stigma of different plant
  • Advantages of cross-pollination

    • Encourages genetic variation, less risk of extinction or disease
  • Disadvantages of cross-pollination

    • Relies on external factors (e.g. wind, insects), pollen can be lost
  • Features of insect-pollinated flowers

    • Brightly coloured, scented, produce nectar, moderate pollen, stamen and carpel inside
  • Features of wind-pollinated flowers

    • Small, unscented, no nectar, produce large amounts of pollen, stamen and carpel hang outside
  • What happens after pollination
    Pollen tube created, grows down to ovary, male gamete fuses with female gamete in ovule
  • Fertilisation
    Nucleus of pollen combines with nucleus of ovule, forming a diploid zygote that divides to become an embryo
  • Germination
    Growth of an organism from a seed, usually in soil
  • Conditions required for germination
    • Water
    • Oxygen
    • Warmth
  • Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
    • *No genetic variation so any change in environmental conditions can affect plant
    population (ie a disease can wipe out an entire population easily)