10.1.9 Moving substance around plant: Phloem & translocation

Cards (7)

  • Phloem
    Made of living cells stacked up end to end
  • Xylem
    Made of dead cells stacked up end to end
  • Translocation
    The transport of sucrose (and amino acids) in phloem from source to sink
  • Sucrose can move upwards or downwards to get from source to sink
  • Source
    An area of a plant where carbohydrates are made in photosynthesis (e.g. leaves)
  • Sink
    Areas where carbohydrates are required for respiration (e.g. areas where energy is required for growth such as roots/shoots/flowers) or carbohydrates are stored (e.g. fruits, tubers)
  • There are times of the year when sinks can become sources